Sailing Blewtooth; my little Westerly Tiger Sailboat
Thursday, March 10, 2005
CHARGE! CHARGE! no more dead batteries!

- Hooray! Power to the people! Especially me! Blewtooth now has a wind generator!
I have just finished setting up my new Air X wind turbine. It took me a very long time to acquire all of the poles and things needed to mount it on Blewtooth’s small stern. Blewtooth is the 25’ Westerly Tiger that I now live on. I am presently anchored off of the same sea wall that Narenba crashed into during hurricane Jeanne.
Blewtooth is a very seaworthy little boat and lots of fun to sail. She responds well, tracks well, points high. I can’t say enough good things about her now. I am sure that she won’t be too comfortable when hot old summertime comes to South Florida but I’m sure I will manage. The thing I like best about her is she is able to MOVE when a storm comes unlike poor Narenba.
Anyway this wind generator is the BOMB! Oops… hope homeland security is not monitoring this….I might wind up in Gitmo again. (I was there thirty something years ago as a Navy crewman aboard an amo ship for three weeks.) That is to say that this Air X wind turbine can put out up to 400 Watts of free juice! Combined with my 75 watt photo voltaic solar panel I now have ample charging power. I also can charge from the small outboard mounted on Blewtooth’s stern but that is smelly and noisy and inefficient.
So, look out Honda.. Blewtooth has a hybrid system of her own.
Ha! Take that! You stupid monopolistic power companies. You cannot charge me anymore. No! I will now CHARGE YOU to try and bill me your exorbitant and preposterous CHARGES. Just think of it folks no more electric bills for Rocko Delray. Hooray!
It’s been raining all day and I stayed on the boat and bounced around as the a north westerly caused an unpleasant chop on the intracoastal so I moved in close to some condos and next to this sea wall of sad memories. It’s now past 3 AM and I am writing in this blog because the air x woke me up with it’s moaning. The wind got up past 30 MPH yesterday and the amp gauge needle charged past 26! It felt good to know that my batteries were getting the good charge they needed.
So I will try to get back to sleep. Goodnight all. CHARGE!…..ZZZZZZ zzz zz z
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